Making Goan roads drivable

 Why Google built the Google Car ( back in 2014) made me think all about roads and driving (banned from driving, just riding now).

Today, nearly nine years later, I am not worried about Google having that data, which they anyway do using Google Maps.

The real question is, can we improve the roads, reduce the number of deaths every month.

We can.

It is on one hand the road engineering.

Road engineering is a crucial part of transportation infrastructure, and it plays a significant role in ensuring safe, efficient, and reliable movement of people and goods. Whether it's a small residential street or a major highway, proper road design and engineering can make a huge difference in the overall performance and lifespan of a road. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the key points of great road engineering.

  1. Proper Drainage: One of the most important factors in road engineering is proper drainage. When water accumulates on a road, it can cause damage to the road surface and even lead to accidents. Therefore, a great road engineer will ensure that the road is designed with proper drainage systems to channel water away from the surface.
  2. Adequate Width: Another important factor in road engineering is the width of the road. The road width should be designed to accommodate the expected traffic volume and the speed of the vehicles. A narrow road can cause congestion and accidents, while a wide road can be expensive and unnecessary.
  3. Proper Alignment: The alignment of the road is critical for safe and efficient movement of traffic. A great road engineer will ensure that the road alignment is designed to minimize the number of curves and inclines. This can help reduce driver fatigue and increase safety.
  4. Suitable Materials: The type of materials used in road construction can also impact the quality and durability of the road. A great road engineer will carefully select materials that are suitable for the local climate, traffic volume, and soil conditions. This can help ensure that the road lasts longer and requires less maintenance.
  5. Clear Signage: Clear and visible signage is essential for safe and efficient movement of traffic on a road. A great road engineer will ensure that the road is designed with clear and visible signage, including lane markings, speed limits, and warning signs.
  6. Proper Lighting: Adequate lighting is crucial for safety on roads, especially during nighttime and inclement weather conditions. A great road engineer will ensure that the road is designed with proper lighting, including street lights and reflective materials.
  7. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation: A great road engineer will also take into account the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists when designing a road. This can include designing dedicated pedestrian and bicycle lanes, crosswalks, and signage.

On the other hand, it is the ability to drive in a way that everyone lives.

  1. Always Wear Your Seatbelt: Wearing a seatbelt is one of the most critical aspects of good driving. It can reduce the risk of serious injury or death in the event of an accident. Make sure to wear your seatbelt every time you get in the car, whether you're the driver or a passenger. 
  2. Follow the Speed Limit: The posted speed limit is there for a reason. It's designed to keep you and other drivers safe on the road. Always obey the speed limit, and adjust your speed based on road conditions, such as rain, snow, or traffic.
  3. Avoid Distractions: Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents on the road. Avoid texting, eating, or anything else that takes your attention away from driving. Keep your focus on the road at all times.
  4. Maintain a Safe Following Distance: Keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you. This will give you enough time to react if the car suddenly stops or slows down. The general rule of thumb is to stay at least one car length away for every 10 mph you're traveling.
  5. Use Turn Signals: Turn signals are a critical safety feature that lets other drivers know your intentions. Always use your turn signals when changing lanes or turning, and make sure they're working correctly.
  6. Keep Your Car Maintained: Regular maintenance of your vehicle is essential for safe driving. Make sure to keep your car in good condition by getting regular oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections.
  7. Avoid Driving Under the Influence: Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not only illegal, but it's also incredibly dangerous. Never get behind the wheel if you've been drinking or using drugs.
  8. Stay in Your Lane: Staying in your lane is essential for safe driving. Swerving between lanes, drifting out of your lane, or failing to use your turn signals can cause confusion and increase the risk of accidents. Make sure to stay in your lane and use your turn signals when changing lanes or making a turn.
  9. Approach the roundabout with caution, and slow down as you approach.
  10. Yield to traffic already in the roundabout. You should only enter the roundabout when it's safe to do so.
  11. Use your turn signals to indicate your intended exit. If you miss your exit, continue around the roundabout until you reach it again.
  12. Stay in your lane as you navigate the roundabout. Don't change lanes or pass other vehicles.
  13. Follow Traffic Signals and Signs: When turning at an intersection on a highway, always obey traffic signals and signs. Look for signs indicating turning lanes or turning restrictions, and follow the arrows on the pavement to determine the correct lane to turn into.

  14. Signal in Advance: As you approach the intersection, use your turn signals to indicate your intention to turn. Signal in advance to give other drivers time to react and adjust their speed or position accordingly.

  15. Check for Traffic: Before turning, check for traffic in all directions. Look for any vehicles approaching from the rear or front, and make sure there is enough time and space to complete the turn safely.

  16. Slow Down: As you approach the turn, slow down gradually to a safe and appropriate speed. This will give you more control over your vehicle and allow you to turn safely.

  17. Stay in Your Lane: When turning at an intersection, stay in your lane and don't cross over into other lanes. This will help prevent accidents and keep traffic flowing smoothly.

When driving a commercial vehicle on the highway in India, it's important to maintain the proper lane position, especially when taking a turn. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Left Lane: In general, commercial vehicles should maintain the left lane on highways in India. The left lane is usually reserved for slower-moving vehicles, and allows faster-moving vehicles to pass on the right. However, commercial vehicles should move to the right lane to allow other vehicles to pass when necessary. 
  2. Right Lane: When taking a turn, commercial vehicles should stay in the right lane as much as possible. If the turn requires the driver to move into the left lane, they should do so only when it is safe and necessary. The driver should signal in advance and check for traffic in all directions before changing lanes.
  3. Watch for Two-Wheeler Traffic: In India, two-wheelers such as motorcycles and scooters often travel between lanes, which can make it more challenging for commercial vehicle drivers to maintain their position on the road. Be extra cautious when driving in the left lane and watch for two-wheeler traffic, which may be traveling on either side of your vehicle.
  4. Follow Lane Markings: Commercial vehicle drivers should always follow lane markings on the highway in India. In particular, they should stay within the solid white lines on the left side of the road and avoid crossing over into the dotted lines on the right side of the road.
  5. Use Turn Signals: When taking a turn or changing lanes, commercial vehicle drivers should use their turn signals to indicate their intentions to other drivers. This will help other drivers anticipate their actions and adjust their speed or position accordingly.
By following these guidelines, commercial vehicle drivers can maintain the proper lane position on highways in India and take turns safely and efficiently. Remember, it's important to always stay focused and aware of your surroundings when driving, and to adjust your speed and position as needed to ensure a safe and successful trip.

In conclusion, great road engineering is critical for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. By considering factors such as proper drainage, adequate width, proper alignment, suitable materials, clear signage, proper lighting, and accommodation for pedestrians and bicyclists, road engineers can create roads that are durable, safe, and functional.

Good driving is about more than just following the rules of the road. It's about taking responsibility for your actions, staying focused on the road, and making safety your top priority. By wearing your seatbelt, following the speed limit, avoiding distractions, maintaining a safe following distance, using turn signals, keeping your car maintained, and avoiding driving under the influence, you can help keep yourself and others safe on the road.


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