My love of software

I just love software. And of course software is nothing without hardware and vice versa.

My first memories were of taking apart a toy car and finding a motor inside.

Imagine my joy in realising that if you could change the terminal connections of the battery to the motor, you could change the direction of movement of the motor, reverse and forward.

Of course side by side I started playing with magnets and seeing where they attract and repel. Only later did I realise that motors and magnets were related, although I did see that certain metals were attracted to the motor.

This was the age of encyclopaedias, where I was lucky to find a project book in this encyclopaedia.

At the same time I took apart my brother's remote controlled shovel. Then I got a remote with a light and the motor and turned it into a motor boat with a lit up cabin.

That same interest started with me in college when I first discovered a guy who knew Corel Draw and started playing with fonts and shapes.

Then chanced upon VRML which I found more interesting than C or C++, where I could create a virtual model of our bottle filling plant.

Then came across mobile phone technology, then worked for a mobile phone startup and lessened about making software using IETF and RFCs. That's where I learnt that software programmers usually need someone to direct them. Which I did gladly using references such as popular movies and games.

From then on it was working on GIS software like Alteryx, and realising that whatever the problem, software can solve it. We just have to understand the need and fulfill it.
Bringing us forward to today, we have Quickbooks, Trello and Canva which make accounting, project management and content creation that much more simpler.


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