City life has poisoned our world

What's the need of the city? 
Why is it greater than the village? 
I lived in cities for the first thirty years of my life, from Dubai to Pune to Bangalore to London to Mumbai. 
Talk about being fed the same masala for all your life. 
Misconceptions which crept in: 
a) Everything had to look good to be good. 
b) You need to work for someone to be valued in life
c) You need to focus on your work more than your family and your loved ones
d) Emotions don't matter, bulldoze everything and everybody to get what you want.
e) Don't trust your instincts, trust the so called experts who have ulterior motives usually focused on amassing large amounts of wealth. 
f) Building wealth is more important than taking care of your families, your friends, the animals, birds and the world we live in. 

Let me know what you think, this thought is evolving.


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